Amber Gregory, Project Manager

936-294-3916 •

Family Drug Court


A Family Drug Court Program refers to a program with the following essential characteristics:

  1. The integration of substance abuse treatment services in the processing of civil cases in the child welfare system with the goal of family reunification;
  2. The use of a comprehensive case management approach involving Department of Family and Protective Services caseworkers, court-appointed case managers, and court-appointed special advocates to rehabilitate a parent who has had a child removed from the parents care by the department because of suspected child abuse or neglect and who is suspected of substance abuse;
  3. Early identification and prompt placement of eligible parents who volunteer to participate in the program;
  4. Comprehensive substance abuse needs assessment and referral to an appropriate substance abuse treatment agency;
  5. A progressive treatment approach with specific requirements that a parent must meet to advance to the next phase of the program;
  6. Monitoring of abstinence through periodic alcohol or other drug testing;
  7. Ongoing judicial interaction with program participants;
  8. Monitoring and evaluation of program goals and effectiveness;
  9. Continuing interdisciplinary education to promote effective program planning, implementation, and operations; and
  10. Development of partnerships with public agencies and community organizations.

Texas Government Code Sec. 122.001

7 Important Practices of Family Treatment Courts

  1. System of identifying families
  2. Timely access to assessment and treatment services
  3. Increased management of recovery services and compliance with treatment
  4. Improved family-centered services and parent-child relationships
  5. Increased judicial oversight
  6. Systematic response for participants – Contingency Management
  7. Collaborative non-adversarial approach grounded in efficient communication across service systems and court