Amber Gregory, Project Manager

936-294-3916 •

Juvenile Drug Court


The goals of the Juvenile Drug Court are to:

  1. The integration of substance abuse treatment services in the processing of cases and proceedings under Title 3, Family Code.
  2. The use of a comprehensive case management approach involving court-appointed case managers and court-appointed special advocates to rehabilitate an individual who is suspected of substance abuse and who resides with a child who is the subject of a case filed under Title 3, Family Code.
  3. Early identification and prompt placement of eligible individuals who volunteer to participate in the program.
  4. Comprehensive substance abuse needs assessment and referrals to appropriate substance abuse treatment agencies for participants.
  5. A progressive treatment approach with specific requirements for participants to meet for successful completion of the program.
  6. Monitoring of abstinence through periodic screening for alcohol or screening for controlled substances.
  7. Ongoing judicial interaction with program participants.
  8. Monitoring and evaluation of program goals and effectiveness.
  9. Continuing interdisciplinary education for the promotion of effective program planning, implementation, and operation.
  10. Development of partnerships with public agencies and community organizations.

Key Objectives

Objective 1.
Focus the JDTC Philosophy and Practice on Effectively Addressing Substance Use and Criminogenic Needs to Decrease Future Offending and Substance Use and To Increase Positive Outcomes

Objective 2.
Ensure Equitable Treatment for All Youth by Adhering to Eligibility Criteria and Conducting an Initial Screening

Objective 3.
Provide a JDTC Process That Engages the Full Team and Follows Procedures Fairly

Objective 4.
Conduct Comprehensive Needs Assessments That Inform Individualized Case Management

Objective 5.
Implement Contingency Management, Case Management, and Community Supervision Strategies Effectively

Objective 6.
Refer Participants to Evidence Based Substance Use Treatment, To Other Services, and for Prosocial Connections

Objective 7.
Monitor and Track Program Completion and Termination