Public Safety Employees Treatment Programs have the following essential characteristics:
- The integration of services in the processing of cases in the judicial system;
- The use of a nonadversarial approach involving prosecutors and defense attorneys to promote public safety and to protect the due process rights of program participants;
- Early identification and prompt placement of eligible participants in the program;
- Access to a continuum of alcohol, controlled substance, mental health, and other related treatment and rehabilitative services;
- Careful monitoring of treatment and services provided to program participants;
- A coordinated strategy to govern program responses to participants' compliance;
- Ongoing judicial interaction with program participants;
- Monitoring and evaluation of program goals and effectiveness;
- Continuing interdisciplinary education to promote effective program planning, implementation, and operations;
- Development of partnerships with public agencies and community organizations; and
- Inclusion of a participant's family members who agree to be involved in the treatment and services provided to the participant under the program.
Texas Government Code Sec. 129.002